Watch this brief video to learn where to begin and to understand your options.
I learned the
hard way but
you don't have to.

Empowerment for your menopause journey

Are you a woman struggling each day with the symptoms of perimenopause and menopause and being told by your doctors that there is nothing wrong with you? That your labs are all in the NORMAL range...but you know things are not right?
You want answers
You want real life actionable steps
You want guided support from a compassionate team of experts
Menocoaching has created a guided path to your healing. We have gathered a team of experts that can guide you on this complex journey. We make it simple for you to take action for your health and hormone balance. We want you to thrive. It is possible, but you have to be your own advocate.
We provide this through:
This end-to-end support will also give you access to our valuable physician network of vetted; menopause specialists. Your answers begin now.
Latest Videocast
Run time: 35 min
In this latest video, we discuss the interplay of anxiety and depression within Menopause. Our hormones play an integral part of our "well-being" and you will gain understanding into how to address these issues.

My Story
My name is Irene Ortiz-Glass. I have experienced over a decade of physical and mental challenges as a result of the perimenopause and the menopause transition. I underwent a bilateral oophorectomy at the age of 51 removing both of my ovaries and experienced the dramatic drop of my own hormones and other bodily systems. After spending over $50,000 with many doctors to find someone to help me I decided to take my healing into my own hands. I became my own advocate through education, became a hormone practitioner and combined this knowledge with my 23 years of experience as an executive coach to help women learn how to heal themselves.
I am on a mission to educate women with the truth. This truth is grounded in an integrated approach to our bodies as a system, what tests you really need and how to work with your body to find balance again. You don’t have to suffer. The body knows how to heal if you provide it the right conditions, we were made that way…but The Body Whispers Before It Screams. You must pay attention and respond to what you need naturally. It takes time and effort but being filled with energy, passion and vitality is possible.
Going through perimenopause or menopause can feel very overwhelming and lonely. We are here to be your partner. To help you feel less alone. To help you realize you are not crazy or making this up. It does not have to be this hard.
We want to give you the tools and guidance you need to bring forth your own healing by learning about your own body and what it needs to be well.
We want to help you partner with your doctors as an informed patient to make better decisions for yourself to find balance.
We want you to know we understand....because we have been there.

Menopause By the Numbers

"What I Wish I Knew"
Video-on-Demand Series
Empowerment comes through education and self-advocacy and these videos will help you achieve this.
Irene created a 10-part video series through a culmination of a decade of information/experience as she worked with over 5 of the top functional medicine, NAMS certified, DO's, and Naturopathic doctors in the country. She then became a certified health practitioner to help herself and others.
The Body Whispers Before It Screams
by Irene Ortiz-Glass
The Body Whispers Before It Screams is Irene's personal story regarding what she describes as her journey in the wilderness. It's her experience with a lifetime of PMS, trauma, perimenopause, surgical menopause and the impact it had on her mind, body and emotions. BUT...the bigger story is her truth about faith, God's mercy and fighting her way back to healing through her own education and advocacy. Let there be no doubt, this is a comeback story.